"I am in love with this Shrek as well as the Donkey mod," ToastedShoes told MMOexp. "Having Shrek ride Donkey as his "noble horse" almost is poetic in its nature." While the YouTuber has become known for making modded Elden Ring Runes games however, it wasn't always his strategy. Before he had 574,000 subscribers, ToastedShoes started his YouTube channel in 2013 with the sole intention of sharing content with his buddies.
"As the time dragged on I noticed that people were doing mod content for games such as GTA 5 and Minecraft, which was amazing," he said. "But I noticed it and then asked myself why it hadn't been applied to more games. Therefore, I decided to make a leap and reach out to the best modders on the web."
The downside of ToastedShoes uploading such a unique Elden Ring video is that certain internet users repost the videos but without crediting them or linking back to him and his co-authors, and they could get more attention than the ones he has. While it's not uncommon to see creators upload content inspired by the latest video Elden Ring Items buy game to have their work reposted, ToastedShoes said it's disheartening to find that the people who he worked with not get credit for their work editing, voice-acting, and putting together mods for his videos. However, he says it shouldn't stop him from creating more bizarre modded gameplay videos. He's actually thinking of creating even more Elden Ring videos with even more mods.