Convert Helper Serial ((TOP))
I have a test system running Home Assistant 0.110.0 on an RPI3. When I connect a serial-to-USB converter cable to one of its USB ports, here is how it appears in Supervisor > System > Hardware:
Convert Helper Serial
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I have the SSH & Web Terminal Add-On installed so I can connect to HassOS and open a console. When I list the contents of /dev there is no serial sub-directory nor a /dev/ttyUSB0 listed:
I also have the Portainer Add-On installed so I can connect to the Home Assistant docker container and open a console. When I list the contents of /dev, once again there is no serial sub-directory nor a /dev/ttyUSB0.
Using Portainer, I opened a console in the homeassistant container and checked dmesg. It shows the converter cable was detected (each time I had plugged it) and assigned it to ttyUSB0.
It came about as a result of this thought: after you plug in the converter, HassOS or Ubuntu detect it immediately, but when is Home Assistant informed of it? The simple answer is: not immediately. It detects it on startup.
Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so they can be used in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,448 days after January 1, 1900.
Reading through, Rpi requires USB to RS485 serial converter.I only require RX/TX pins TTL does support up to 3.3V, while RS485 recognize any differential voltage >200mV with a voltage range of -7V to +12V.
Use the serial number you have received to convert the trial version to a full version. The serial number starts with the number 1057. You receive the serial number depending on the type of purchase:
I have a list of dates in serial number form that I can't seem to convert into a date format in Power Query. I can easily convert them using formulas in a spreadsheet, or just by formatting them as dates in a spreadsheet, but for some reason Power Query won't transform them.
This module can send standardized serial messages as described in Standardized serial messages formatting, where all coordinates and sizes are standardized using Helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized. One message is issued on every video frame at the temporally smoothed attended (most salient) location (green circle in the video display):
See Standardized serial messages formatting for more on standardized serial messages, and Helper functions to convert coordinates from camera resolution to standardized for more info on standardized coordinates.
Under Linux, OSX and Windows, extended information will be available forUSB devices (e.g. the ListPortInfo.hwid string contains VID:PID,SER (serial number), LOCATION (hierarchy), which makes them searchablevia grep(). The USB info is also available as attributes ofListPortInfo.
If include_links is true, all devices under /dev are inspected andtested if they are a link to a known serial port device. These entrieswill include LINK in their hwid string. This implies that the samedevice listed twice, once under its original name and once under linkedname.
Ctrl+T z suspends the connection (port is opened) and reconnects when akey is pressed. This can be used to temporarily access the serial port with another application, without exiting miniterm. If reconnecting fails it isalso possible to exit (Ctrl+]) or change the port (p).
So far, we have converted our Rest Assured E2E API tests into Cucumber BDD Style Tests. Subsequently, our next step would Convert JSON to JAVA Object using Serialization. We have covered Serialization and Deserialization tutorial in Java. It would be highly appreciated if you revisit the Serialization and Deserialization chapter to understand well what's going around overall in our next stage of framework development.
Additionally, it is advisable to send the username and password in the request body as an object. To achieve this we need to convert JSON to JAVA Object. But, the network does not understand Java objects. So, we would need to serialize the objects into String before sending the request.
We can do this using many serialization-deserialization libraries available. But, Rest Assured has this functionality in-built. It enables us to directly send objects in Rest Assured requests while the Library takes care of Serialization internally. If you dive deeper to understand the implementation of RequestSpecification, you will see the below code snippet which clearly shows how Rest Assured takes care of Serialization.
Moreover, you can manually create a POJO class having all listed fields of the JSON body. Also, there are various utilities available online for free using which we can convert any JSON structure to a Java POJO class.
In a similar vein, we will make changes for the following Step Definitions to use Java objects that we created using the POJOs we defined. Internally, the rest assured library will take care of serializing this object into JSON string before sending the request over the network. Thus, we do not have to worry about serializing the request objects.
Maybe I could say it in different words: I have got an instance of this MethodCheckType object an on the other hand I have got the XML document from which I serialized this object. Now I want to convert this instance into a XML document in form of a string. After this I have to proof if both strings (of XML documents) are the same. This I have to do, because I make unit tests of the first method in which I read an XML document into a StringReader and serialize it into a MethodCheckType object.
The first part of our tutorial focuses of formatting dates in Excel and explains how to set the default date and time formats, how to change date format in Excel, how to create custom date formatting, and convert your dates to another locale.
If you just want to know the serial number behind the date, without actually converting date to number, write down the number you see under Sample and click Cancel to close the window. If you want to replace the date with the number in a cell, click OK.
Note. Since Excel's serial numbers begins on January 1, 1900 and negative numbers aren't recognized, dates prior to the year 1900 are not supported in Excel.If you enter such a date in a sheet, say 12/31/1899, it will be a text value rather than a date, meaning that you cannot perform usual date arithmetic on early dates. To make sure, you can type the formula =DATEVALUE("12/31/1899") in some cell, and you will get an anticipated result - the #VALUE! error.
If you are dealing with date and time values and you'd like to convert time to decimal number, please check out the formulas described in this tutorial: How to convert time to decimal number in Excel.
Once you've got a file full of foreign dates and you would most likely want to change them to the date format used in your part of the world. Let's say, you want to convert an American date format (month/day/year) to a European style format (day/month/year).
Solution. You can convert "text dates" to the date format using Excel's DATEVALUE function or Text to Columns feature. Please see the following article for full details: How to convert text to date in Excel.
Hi!How to change the date format is described in detail in the article above. If the date is written as text, use these guidelines: How to convert text to date in Excel. Here is an example formula:
Even when using custom formatting to (hh:mm) it still converts the 11 into a date and time.Is there a way where i can input an absolute number ranging from 0 to 72 and have excel convert is to a hh:mm format?
Hi!In your data, the time is written as text. Extract numbers from text as described in this tutorial: Excel substring functions to extract text from cell.Use the TIMEVALUE function to convert text to time.For example:
I want to get the values and stop it from avoiding giving me what's in the console. What is the issue here excactly and how do I bypass this? I tried with a xlookup, datevalue and so forth, but nothing works! It is like the numbers printed are belived to be long-date format with time. I need the Value-data as shown above, and I need some kind of formular who can convert the console-values displayed to the right above, to the values displayed to the left above.
Hello!Unfortunately, I cannot understand how you get such values and what console you are talking about. These dates cannot be these numbers in the Excel system. Maybe this article will be helpful: How to convert (open or import) CSV file to Excel. Or explain the problem in more detail.
How about converting this date format (when pasting from another spreadsheet) - 2022-04-13 09:58:14I would like it to simply be short date mm/dd/yyyy, no matter how I format the cells before I paste, I always get this silly format. I don't want to have to use text to columns every time. Is it possible? It is this format in like 3 columns worth of data for all my lines. I need to be able to update this report swiftly.
Hi!I can't guess what your number means - hours, minutes, or seconds. The following tutorial should help: How to convert time to decimal number, hours, minutes or seconds. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Hi, I've got exported data into excel and unfortunately they have the date in this text format "May 17, 2022" in the D column, and while I've been through the comments I can't find anything that converts this into a date. What would you recommend?
You can also analyze more than 500 combinations representing dates in text format and convert them to regular Excel dates using Convert Text to Date tool. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free. 350c69d7ab